Municipal Services
Planning Department
The Planning Department deals with the following situations:
- Consents/Severance applications
- Minor Variances
- Lakeshore Road Allowance
- Zoning By-law Amendments
- Official Plan Policies
For a copy of the Consent (Severance) Application, click on the 'Application for Consent' and 'MDS I Sheet' links below. The other application forms are available at the office for now. Please call the Clerk-Treasurer at 705-724-3526 if you require further information about the planning process.
** The Township now has a policy requiring a pre-consultation interview for the following: Official Plan Amendment; Zoning By-law Amendment; Minor Variance or Permission; as well as Consent to Sever land/Lots/Rights of Way. Please refer to the "Development Application Pre-Consultation Checklist" below.
As a result of adopting a new Official Plan, Council also adopted a new Zoning By-law to implement the policies of the Plan. A copy of the By-law as well as ZB Schedules A to C are included in the Tab below.
Development Application Pre-consultation Checklist
Application for Consent - Fillable PDF
Application for Minor Variance or for Permission
Application to Purchase Lakeshore or Road Allowance
Application for a Zoning Amendment or Official Plan Amendment